YPRT - Youth Protection Roundtable
The internet should be a source for the mediation of knowledge and information as well as a source of entertainment for every age group. But there still are people who are afraid to come across unwanted and harmful content instead of useful information. The goal of the Youth Protection Round Table was to promote a mutual exchange on an approach to educational and technical aspects of youth protection. Users - as well as in the case of minors the people responsible for their education - should be enabled to use the internet safely and responsibly. In addition to the fight against illegal content and its sources, the users need media literacy and adequate technical solutions. In order to enable youth to an autonomous use of the internet, the technical solutions need to be usable for everyone. The prime goal of the project was for educational experts from social welfare institutions to compare notes with technical experts from the producers of filter software and hardware.
Role of the Digital Opportunities Foundation
The network was initiated, coordinated and headed by the Digital Opportunities Foundation. The foundation set up a network for media literacy and of technical experts and social welfare institutions for children and youth media protection and realised five meetings of the more than 30 partners, as well as an additional meeting with a selected number of youths. The foundation was also responsible for developing the YPRT-Toolkit, a catalogue with recommendations to improve youth protection on the internet.
Project partners
- ADICONSUM - Associazione italiana difesa consumatori e ambiente, Italy
- AOL, Germany
- Arbeitskreis Neue Erziehung e. V., Germany
- BAGFW - Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege, Germany
- Citizens Online, UK
- Comenius Foundation for Child Development, Poland
- D.O.M. Datenverarbeitung GmbH, Germany
- Deutscher Kinderschutzbund - Bundesverband e.V., Germany
- Extreme Media Solutions Ltd., Greece
- Family Online Safety Institute, UK
- Le Forum des droits sur l'internet, France
- F-Secure, Germany
- Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter e. V. - FSM, Germany
- Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje, Poland
- ICRAdeutschland.de GbR, Germany
- Interactive Software Federation of Europe - ISFE, Belgium
- Internet-ABC e.V., Germany
- Johannisches Sozialwerk e. V., Germany
- Jugendschutz.net, Germany
- Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliitto, Finland
- Microsoft, EMEA
- Landeszentrale für Medien und Kommunikation Rheinland-Pfalz - klicksafe.de, Germany
- Nederlands Instituut voor de Classificatie van Audiovisual Media - NICAM, The Netherlands
- Österreichisches Institut für Angewandte Telekommunikation - ÖIAT, Austria
- Pegasus GmbH, Germany
- Protégeles, Spain
- Safer Internet Institute, z.s.p.o, Czech Republic
- Save the Children, Italy
- SurfControl, UK
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Slovenia
Project website
Safer Internet Action PlanGrant Authorities: European Commission